

Quick Start with Elisa  

Using Development System Demo's


Language Description

1. Lexical Elements
2. Basic Data Types and Expressions
3. Definitions
4. Streams
5. Backtracking
6. Statements and Special Expressions
7. Arrays

8. Lists
9. Descriptors
10. Components
11. Collections
12. Generic Components
13. Terms
14. Categories
15. Types 

16. Built-in Definitions
17. Higher-order Definitions

18. External Interfaces


Data Structures

1. Sequences
2. Examples involving Lists
3. Trees
4. Graphs
5. Searching State Spaces
6. Language Processing
7. Knowledge Representations          



1. Multi-value Functions

2. Lists and Streams

3. Descriptors

4. Trees



Using Elisa's Development System

To use Elisa's Development System the system must be installed on your computer according to the procedures described by Quick Start with Elisa. After this installation you can use the Elisa system.

Before we proceed it is important to know that there are three types of files which are relevant for Elisa:

  1. Program Definition files (*.prg) which are defining an Elisa program
  2. Elisa files (*.els) which are defining an Elisa component
  3. Log files (*.log) which are used for output of an Elisa program

We will use these files in the following procedures:

Note: If you want to execute these procedures it is recommended to print this page.

How to start the Elisa system.

Double-click on the Elisa icon which has been installed on your desktop. The main window of Elisa's Development System will appear.

How to execute Elisa programs.

The system is installed with a number of programs. To use a program perform the following steps:

  1. Choose from the menu bar Program.
  2. Select from the list one of the programs.
  3. Open that program. The system will show you the contents of the corresponding Program Definition File. A Program Definition File has always the extension .prg. It defines which components are used by the program.
  4. Select on the toolbar the most right button. After a while a text field shows "Builds and executes the program". Push that button.
  5. The system is activated. The status bar, at the bottom of the window, shows the different stages: Compiling, Linking, Running, Ready.
  6. After the system is ready a log file is displayed. A log file has always the extension .log. The log file shows the input and the output of the program.

How to modify Elisa programs.

One of the fastest ways to learn programming in Elisa is to modify existing (demo) programs. This can be done by performing the following steps:

  1. Choose from the menu bar Program.
  2. Select from the list of a program.
  3. Choose from the menu bar File.
  4. Select from the list of files an Elisa component file. An Elisa component file has always the extension .els. Its name must appear in the selected Program Definition File.
  5. The system will show you the contents of the selected Elisa component file. If the component is part of the selected program you may modify the component by editing the component.
  6. After editing is finished select on the toolbar the most right button. Push the button.
  7. The system will ask if the changes should be saved. Select Yes.
  8. The system is activated and will try to compile, link, and execute the program. If successful a log file will be displayed.
  9. If not successful, the system will react depending on the situation:
  10. If in the compiling stage an error in a source program is detected, the system will pop up with two windows, one showing the component and the other a list of detected errors. Correct the errors in the component and repeat the procedure from step 6 onwards.
  11. If in the linking stage an error in the linking process is detected, the system will pop up with two windows, one showing the Program Definition File and the other a list of detected errors. Often these kinds of errors are related to an inconsistent set of components or program definitions. In that case, choose from the menu bar Build, select Rebuild All.
  12. If in the running stage the program does not terminate within a reasonable amount of time, choose from the menu bar Build, select Stop.

How to create a new program.

To create a new program the following steps are required:

  1. Make a Program Definition File.
  2. Make one or more Elisa components.
  3. Open the Program Definition File via the Program menu.
  4. Select from the Build menu the Build option, or,
    select the most right button of the toolbar.

How to make a Program Definition File.

A Program Definition File defines a program and specifies which components are used by the program. A Program Definition File has always the extension .prg. For example, if a program P consists of three components A, B and C then the contents of the Program Definition File, P.prg, is:

P = A + B + C;

A Program Definition File can be created in the following way:

  1. Choose from the menu bar File, New,
    or choose from the toolbar the lefmost button ("Creates a new file").
  2. A blank, untitled editing window appears.
  3. Insert the program definition, such as P = A + B + C;
  4. Choose from the menu bar File, Save As...,
    or choose from the toolbar the third button ("Saves the active file").
  5. The "Save As" dialogue box appears.
  6. Adjust in the Save in box the name of the folder in which you want to save the Program Definition File.
  7. Insert in the File name box the name of the file.
  8. Select in the Save as type box from the associated drop-down list Program(*.prg).
  9. Choose the Save button.

To activate a program, the following steps are required:

  1. Choose from the menu bar Program, Open....
  2. The "Open" dialogue box appears.
  3. Adjust in the Look in box the name of the folder from which you want to open the Program Definition File.
  4. Insert in the File name box the name of the file.
  5. Choose the Open button.

How to make an Elisa component.

An Elisa component can be created in the following way:

  1. Choose from the menu bar File, New,
    or choose from the toolbar the lefmost button ("Creates a new file").
  2. A blank, untitled editing window appears.
  3. Insert in this window the Elisa source.
  4. Choose from the menu bar File, Save As...,
    or choose from the toolbar the third button ("Saves the active file").
  5. The "Save As" dialogue box appears.
  6. Adjust in the Save in box the name of the folder in which you want to save the component.
  7. Insert in the File name box the name of the file.
  8. Select in the Save as type box from the associated drop-down list Elisa Source(*.els).
  9. Choose the Save button.

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